Saturday, January 8, 2011
An Open Letter to GlitterSniffer
Yesterday during the Q&A on the Facebook page (Which I am still working on editing-the screenshots need to have PII removed prior to publishing, and there are 400+ posts to edit and proof) Lela posed a question: Can I fix this?
I answered her on the thread, but I wanted to expound upon those thoughts. Please indulge me as I answer in an Open Letter to GlitterSniffer.
You asked yesterday what you can do to fix this. I advised that there was nothing you could do that would recover my business, but, as a consumer, I do have some suggestions for you.
-When you say it, mean it. If you’ve promised something, stand by it. That includes your products, your policies, and your company values. People are more inclined to trust a company that admits their faults, takes responsibility without excuses and fixes issues. That means following up on emails and commitments, shipping out in a timely manner, shipping products as described, and ensuring quality and safe products across the board.
-Be transparent. All information regarding products and policies should be posted on the site and readily available for all. If a question is not answered on the site and you receive an email or Facebook post about it, respond within 24 hours. If a question is asked repeatedly via email or Facebook posts revise your FAQ to include it. The public’s trust in you has been harmed, and if you wish to recover that trust you must be as forthcoming as possible. Be detailed in all information. People should not have to ask for clarification. If someone asks a question that has already been answered respectfully direct them to the proper information. Ask that the fans of your page do so as well. If you post something to the Facebook page or site, leave it up. Even if the information has changed you still have the ability to edit it. If you do edit it ensure that you note what has been edited and on what date. This will go a long way in restoring trust.
-It’s business, not personal. One of the overarching things that I have noticed as I’ve been involved with this situation is that you have an amazing ability to build brand loyalty. This is due in no small part to your role as the face of GS Cosmetics. That being said, when someone has a complaint it is incumbent upon you, as a business owner, to separate yourself from that complaint. It’s not an attack against you personally. Yes, some of the vitriol may take the form of a personal attack, but that is to be expected when you make yourself so readily available as the spokesperson. What it comes down to is the fact that you must maintain a professional manner in all business communications. People are your customers, not your friends. I commend the fact that you do seem to care very deeply for some of your customers, but that should not influence your business decisions. And if someone does attack you personally, deal professionally with the issue, resolve the matter, and then enact your right as a business owner to refuse service once the issue is resolved. Banning people from the fan page and not responding in a timely manner to complaints does nothing but breed hostility. Be open to communication, both good and bad, and use that feedback to better your business. I guarantee you that if you are open the negativity that you do not wish to have posted to your page will drop by tenfold as the issues will be addressed privately and to the customers satisfaction.
-Follow all FDA/Postal guidelines for any product produced by GS Cosmetics. This includes labeling, ingredients, shipping times, and safety and recall procedures. By now you should be fully versed in what those guidelines are. To be sure, you should have known them prior to selling your products. Whether you knew them previously or not is of no importance, as the FDA guidelines state that you are responsible for them whether you knew them or not. There is no question that you are fully aware of the expectations now. Implement them. Follow them. Live by them. Check the FDA website on a weekly basis to see what, if any, changes have been made and then act immediately to address them.
-Accept returns. Not every product will work for every person. If someone is dissatisfied with a product, issue store credit. Better yet, send them a replacement product as a gesture of good will. With your ability to inspire your fans I sincerely doubt you will have all that much profit loss in implementing this, and it shows that you are more than willing to work with your customers, which in turn will make them loyal to your company. There is nothing that stops you from accepting a return “due to the nature of your product”. In fact, the FDA states that products should be returned, especially in a recall situation, when requesting a refund or replacement. If you don’t want a used product being sent back to you, then issue a credit or replacement and move on.
-Keep what is private, private. Everyone has bad days. We are only human. But those issues should be kept strictly to your own personal page and not aired out for the world to see. If you have a personal issue that is impeding business announce that you are not accepting orders for the time being, give a timeline for when outstanding orders will be shipped out (and stick to it), fix your personal business, and then reopen when you are capable of meeting the demand. Your reasons for ceasing operations are your own, and as long as you give a clear indication of what your customers can expect then you have met your burden as a business owner.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful to you. They are only meant to be constructive and are presented here as they were solicited by you. Use them or disregard them at your discretion.
I appreciate that you took the time to visit the page and answer questions, and I look forward to seeing you implement the behavior changes you have promised. I do wish you luck going forward.
I appreciate that you took the time to visit the page and answer questions, and I look forward to seeing you implement the behavior changes you have promised. I do wish you luck going forward.
GlitterSniffer Complaints
My Story,
Open Letter
Back in Business
GlitterSniffer reopened today.
As per Lela, these products do not carry labeling on them, but are eye approved.
1/8/10 ETA: I corrected the title as I had a case of sausage fingers when I typed it.
Also, it was pointed out on the FB page that there is not an ingredient listing on the site for this product. Lela responded:
As per Lela, these products do not carry labeling on them, but are eye approved.
1/8/10 ETA: I corrected the title as I had a case of sausage fingers when I typed it.
Also, it was pointed out on the FB page that there is not an ingredient listing on the site for this product. Lela responded:
1/8/10 ETA: The website has changed and the ingredients are now posted.We are trying to get this done. Our graphic designer forgot to put it up. I'm leaving on my way to my first day at my new job but I will deal with it when I get home.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I apologize for the lack of posts today. I am in the middle of writing and editing six of them, but my attention is needed elsewhere.
For those that aren't aware Lela Warren joined the Facebook page and has been intermittently answering questions. It was my fervent hope that it would remain a constructive dialogue. To that end I have had to remain on the page as I want to ensure the integrity of both the thread and the page.
I am hoping to collate all the questions and answers into one post, but it's going to be a huge job. I appreciate your patience while I monitor the situation and see exactly how it shakes out.
For those that aren't aware Lela Warren joined the Facebook page and has been intermittently answering questions. It was my fervent hope that it would remain a constructive dialogue. To that end I have had to remain on the page as I want to ensure the integrity of both the thread and the page.
I am hoping to collate all the questions and answers into one post, but it's going to be a huge job. I appreciate your patience while I monitor the situation and see exactly how it shakes out.
Email 2-GlitterSniffer Complaints
Posted below is the full and complete communication I had today via email with GlitterSniffer Cosmetics, specifically, Lela Warren. I am posting it in full, unedited. I have obtained permission from GS to do so.
Lela Warren
Hello! :) We're all for free speech, no debate here, but we figured any good ... 10:28 PM (4 hours ago)
Lela WarrenLoading...
10:28 PM (4 hours ago)Hello! :)
Lela Warren to me show details 10:28 PM (4 hours ago)
We're all for free speech, no debate here, but we figured any good journalist would be interested in both sides of the story, so feel free to come to us with any questions you may have as a medium of information for your readers.
Also, we took down the recall list as I spoke with the FDA today for the 2nd time in two weeks and they informed me that they were closing the file on GS. I'm sure they are still willing to take any complaints sent their way, but that is why the recall list was removed.
We ask our customers not to post any sales of pigment simply because we are trying to continue profiting so that people can be paid back in a timely fashion, therefore we are asking that sales be taken off the page.
XOXOGS Cosmetics
XO- Lela <3President of Glittersniffer Cosmetics
GlitterSnifferComplaints to Lela show details 11:17 PM (3 hours ago)
I appreciate your taking the time to address these matters. It is very important that information be available to everyone so they can make an informed decision.
I do have a few questions I would like ask, posed by both myself and others.
1) What changes, specifically, are you making to the labeling of products and ingredients used going forward to comply with FDA regulations?
2) What pigments, specifically, are not vegan? Why are they considered not vegan (ingredients, etc)?
3) What is your specific timeline for remitting funds previously raised for charity? What is your plan to obtain the money in question?
4) What processes do you have in place to ensure that every customer who may have purchased an adulterated product from GS is informed?
5) What ingredients were used (including chemical name), specific per pigment, in all products distributed from 2006-present?
6) What measures are being put into place to ensure that all ingredients are 100% safe and vegan?
7) What steps are being implemented to ensure that all safety measures for formulation and packaging of products are followed every time?
8) What is the contact information for your legal counsel?
9) What is the timeline, specifically, when all claims will be paid?
10) Where are the ingredients for the new products you are readying for sale from?
11) You state that the FDA has closed their investigation and you have removed the recall list because of that. Does this means that although you admit to using unsafe dyes and ingredients that you are now not going to honor that recall?
I appreciate your time in answering these questions. I am sure I will have more as time goes on and will contact you again. Any response you could provide would be most appreciated.
GlitterSniffer Complaints
Lela Warren to me show details 1:06 AM (1 hour ago)
Okay, Lets get to this :)
1. As I mix pigments I will be writing down the Retail Name of each ingredient I am using, my staff and I will then be going in and looking at each bag of pigment and writing down the chemical names of each ingredient in that specific pigment/mica and posting it with the collection. We have already done this with the next 3 collections that will be coming out. We are not able to fit the labeling on each individual pigment, but we are in discussion with each other and our Graphic Designer about the best way to make that information available. We are considering doing a separate page on the official website for more detailed information on the ingredients, but it will be available in full for consumers to view.
2. It is really difficult for me to say exactly what pigments are not vegan, simply because I have made so many over the years. I know that is not the answer many people want to hear, but I am being 100% forthcoming with these answers, therefore they won't necessarily be what some hope them to be. I do keep recipes for things that I know I will be remaking, such as the website colors, but colors that I don't ever plan on making again, I, in the past, did not always write down what I had in each pigment. I can say, however, that the website colors and the colors that I sold on Etsy were of the majority, vegan. Only a few of the reds, which I always did make public at some point in time, were not vegan. Most of those reds would have been colors in collections, such as Ariel in the Twisted Princess Collection. I started with the intention of being 100% vegan, and then people starting wanting reds and I wanted to give people what they wanted, so compromised that, and I take full responsibility for that. If anyone is concerned about if a specific red is or is not vegan, they are welcome to e-mail me.
3. We have contacted TWLOHA, who we had contact with about the donation previously, and they are aware of the delay in the donation. We did, however, want them to know that it was still in the plan. We did not contact the other 2 charities, as we had not notified them about our plans to raise money for them in the first place, but we are still going to donate to them as we promised. The funds were left in our PayPal account, as we planned on doing a donation directly through PayPal on Christmas Eve. When we asked people to file for refunds, we had no idea the response we would get. The influx of disputes locked our account so we could not transfer the Charity Money out, and then every dispute filed began coming out of the charity money. We cannot give a definite time frame on when it will be donated, we can only say that we hope to donate it within the next 6 months. We have no idea how our sales are going to be when we re-open, and our first priority is taking care of our negative PayPal account balance so that people who have filed disputes can be paid, then to pay all of the invoices we have, and then we will begin putting money toward Charity again. It was never our intention to NOT donate to Charity. Our plan to obtain the money, as I mentioned, will be sales.
4. Unfortunately, it is not within our means to contact every single customer who has ever ordered from GS Cosmetics. We did provide the recall list to the FDA as requested, and it is our understanding that they have opted not to publish this recall list like they do for major companies who need to reach a large consumer base. We will gladly, and happily, refund anyone who contacts us about the recall. We are in discussion with each other, our legal counsel, the FDA, and our graphic designer as to if we will be posting the recall on the website. We will comply with any request made by a federal agency. We will be speaking with the FDA one more time tomorrow where we plan to find out if we are legally required to post the recall. If we are not, we will then be in discussion with our legal counsel as to the next steps.
5. Again, in relation to question number 2, I will not be able to give you a list of every ingredient in every pigment ever mixed by GS. It is up to the consumer if they choose to use or product that has not been recalled or not pursuant to that information. We believe we have thought of every pigment ever made by GS, and believe that our list of recalled pigments is as true to our knowledge as we have. Any other pigment has been made with
6. As stated in question number 1, we will be following all those guidelines. We have also implemented new procedures to ensure the sanitary conditions of all the pigments, including but not limited to wearing gloves, sanitizing all work environments, and instructing on proper hand washing.
7. We currently only have 1 other employee who packs any pots and orders. I am personally supervising this process and as new employees are added again, they will be personally trained by me and briefed on this exact situation as to why their compliance is necessary.
8. Due to the overwhelming amount of discussion about my legal counsel, I am not publicly posting that information. My address is available for anyone who is concerned with any legal matter. They may send their correspondence to the address listed and I will then forward that on to my attorney if need be. Should there need to be any legal correspondence, my counsel will then take over. However, general questions and concerns need to be directed to Glittersniffer Cosmetics, as it is our sincere hope that we can settle any issues amicably.
9. Again, I'm sorry for the inability to give you definite answers. We are truly hoping to do it within the month, but subject to our sales and what happens with our profits we aren't able to give a definite time line. All of the money that comes in for proceeds are going back toward refunds.
10. We ordered new pigments from our supplier for the new collection coming out. There is concern that the money used for new pigments should have went to refunds, but we felt we had to have a means to produce more income to ensure everyone gets their refunds, rather than refunding 1/2 of the people and being at a standstill with no way to produce the money to pay the other 1/2 back.
11. We are still honoring the recall
I hope that answered all of your questions. Please let me know if you have any more.
XOXOGS Cosmetics
I appreciate your response. I would be happy to update the blog with the information you have provided. I generally do a summary post, but if you would feel more comfortable that I posted your exact words I would be happy to do so, with your express permission, of course. I do have some followup questions, but it is late and you have been accomodating enough for tonight. I will say, though, that it seems question 5 is not a finished answer.
GlitterSnifferComplaints to Lela show details 1:21 AM (1 hour ago)
Again, thank you for taking the time to answer questions. It is actions like this that show your commitment to reinforcing your company values, and I appreciate it.
Here is a screenshot of the ingredients from the site.Oh, sorry about number 5! I was just going to type all the ingredients that were listed on the website.
Lela Warren to me show details 1:23 AM (1 hour ago)
I would prefer you update the blog with my exact responses, except for number 5, you may fill that in with the ingredients I just made mention of.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Email 1-GlitterSniffer Complaints
I received an email this evening from GlitterSniffer Cosmetics. In keeping with my stance on not printing any full email from them I am summarizing it here.
Lela states that she is "all for" free speech and wants to make sure everyone is informed. She states that she took down the recall list after speaking with the FDA today and being informed that they are closing the file on GS. She states that sales were taken off the fan page to ensure the company's profitability going forward so that they may pay claims
I appreciate that GS has taken the time to try to clear the air. In terms of the FDA I can tell you I spoke with them today and there was no indication that the complaint I filed was anywhere near resolution. As a matter of fact, I was provided a fax number to send further documentation in. Perhaps GS is speaking of one complaint in particular. As the FDA is currently closed for the day I have no way of following up at this time.
Below is the email I sent GS in response.
Lela states that she is "all for" free speech and wants to make sure everyone is informed. She states that she took down the recall list after speaking with the FDA today and being informed that they are closing the file on GS. She states that sales were taken off the fan page to ensure the company's profitability going forward so that they may pay claims
I appreciate that GS has taken the time to try to clear the air. In terms of the FDA I can tell you I spoke with them today and there was no indication that the complaint I filed was anywhere near resolution. As a matter of fact, I was provided a fax number to send further documentation in. Perhaps GS is speaking of one complaint in particular. As the FDA is currently closed for the day I have no way of following up at this time.
Below is the email I sent GS in response.
I appreciate your taking the time to address these matters. It is very important that information be available to everyone so they can make an informed decision.
I do have a few questions I would like ask, posed by both myself and others.
1) What changes, specifically, are you making to the labeling of products and ingredients used going forward to comply with FDA regulations?
2) What pigments, specifically, are not vegan? Why are they considered not vegan (ingredients, etc)?
3) What is your specific timeline for remitting funds previously raised for charity? What is your plan to obtain the money in question?
4) What processes do you have in place to ensure that every customer who may have purchased an adulterated product from GS is informed?
5) What ingredients were used (including chemical name), specific per pigment, in all products distributed from 2006-present?
6) What measures are being put into place to ensure that all ingredients are 100% safe and vegan?
7) What steps are being implemented to ensure that all safety measures for formulation and packaging of products are followed every time?
8) What is the contact information for your legal counsel?
9) What is the timeline, specifically, when all claims will be paid?
10) Where are the ingredients for the new products you are readying for sale from?
11) You state that the FDA has closed their investigation and you have removed the recall list because of that. Does this means that although you admit to using unsafe dyes and ingredients that you are now not going to honor that recall?
I appreciate your time in answering these questions. I am sure I will have more as time goes on and will contact you again. Any response you could provide would be most appreciated.
GlitterSniffer Complaints
I was just contacted by GlitterSniffer and informed that they are available to answer any questions. I am currently working on a list to send. Is there anything that you would like to see answered?
As of today the statement that was posted regarding GlitterSniffers commitment to change and the apology for the issues has been removed from their fan page. I present it here, in full (emphasis is not mine) as I sent that statement link along with several of my complaints and I wish for that information to once again be easily accessible to those following up on any complaints I filed.
Not Vegan/Possibly Misbranded
Here are screenshots of the ingredient list and the vegan claims from
These screenshots from a chat with GlitterSniffer proprietor Lela Warren occurred on 12/19/10. In them she discusses what ingredients she uses, and, more specifically, does not use, in GS pigments. Edited only to remove personally identifying information.
Here is the GS Statement, issued originally on 12/23/10 (subsequently removed and reposted), with the relevant portion outlined.
Up until as recently as 12/19/10 GS was emphatically insisting that nearly all of their products were indeed vegan, and that carmine was not used at all. We know now that was simply not true.
By Lela's own admission on 12/23/10, she had not listed these facts on her site nor on her pigments. This is illustrated by the FAQ provided on the GS site and by previous posts on this blog detailing her packaging. Additionally, Lela states that she tried to "include a note" that the products were not vegan, but did not always do so.
I am not going to rehash all the FDA requirements at this time (the relevant info is broken down here), but, suffice to say, not including carmine in her listing of ingredients or on the packaging of her product does not appear to meet FDA guidelines for labeling, and could possibly lead to the products in question being labeled as misbranded and subject to recall.
As of this post, despite several requests from various consumers, GS has not provided a list of products that contained carmine, or were otherwise non vegan, despite being labeled as such.
These screenshots from a chat with GlitterSniffer proprietor Lela Warren occurred on 12/19/10. In them she discusses what ingredients she uses, and, more specifically, does not use, in GS pigments. Edited only to remove personally identifying information.
Here is the GS Statement, issued originally on 12/23/10 (subsequently removed and reposted), with the relevant portion outlined.
Up until as recently as 12/19/10 GS was emphatically insisting that nearly all of their products were indeed vegan, and that carmine was not used at all. We know now that was simply not true.
By Lela's own admission on 12/23/10, she had not listed these facts on her site nor on her pigments. This is illustrated by the FAQ provided on the GS site and by previous posts on this blog detailing her packaging. Additionally, Lela states that she tried to "include a note" that the products were not vegan, but did not always do so.
I am not going to rehash all the FDA requirements at this time (the relevant info is broken down here), but, suffice to say, not including carmine in her listing of ingredients or on the packaging of her product does not appear to meet FDA guidelines for labeling, and could possibly lead to the products in question being labeled as misbranded and subject to recall.
As of this post, despite several requests from various consumers, GS has not provided a list of products that contained carmine, or were otherwise non vegan, despite being labeled as such.
FDA Followup
I received a voicemail yesterday from the FDA. I was unable to respond at that time so I called them back today. I reached the main switchboard at 3133938100 and requested to be connected to the individual who left me the message. I was transferred and got their voicemail.
Their voicemail greeting clearly identified that I was leaving a message for a person in the legal division of the FDA. I left a brief message describing the additional information I had and requested to amend my complaint. I left my phone number as well.
I will update when I know more.
Their voicemail greeting clearly identified that I was leaving a message for a person in the legal division of the FDA. I left a brief message describing the additional information I had and requested to amend my complaint. I left my phone number as well.
I will update when I know more.
Complaints I Filed,
Others Experiences
I have been deluged with information regarding others experiences over the last few days. In an effort to streamline this process, though some have given me permission to publish their names, I am going to publish excerpts of the messages with identifying information removed, that way I can ensure that I protect the privacy of those that requested it. It has all become a bit unwieldy, and I would not want to release information on anyone mistakenly. Feel free to claim your story in the comments.
Everything I am posting here I have either been given permission to publish or it was previously published in some way and is part of public domain.
Everything I am posting here I have either been given permission to publish or it was previously published in some way and is part of public domain.
- This email was received by two different submitters. Both received it on December 12th, both refused the offer and requested their original orders, both were promised that the orders would be sent, and both are still waiting for their original orders-one since 10/10, and one since 11/29/10 (an order totalling $144.00):
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 21:42:44 -060
Subject: Re: Order questions/problems
To: redacted
As a token of our sincere apologies in the delay of your order, we would like to make you a special offer. In replacement for your original order, we would like to send you a 75$ value gift basket FILLED with GS goodies! This will include our Face Fixers, Chrome Serum, Face Glue, Sparklers, Pigments, Brushes, FULL collections, bath products and anything else we can fit in your bag! It will ship immediately upon your approval. Please let me know!XOXO
- The first order took over a month to arrive. When it did, it was nothing what I ordered. Completely incorrect. I had to wait another few weeks for a fix. The pigments were literally thrown into a thin priority mail envelope left to roll around and spill pigment all over the place. I was stupid enough to order randoms, when she had a sale. Mostly for gifts. I ordered 25 and received less than half. She never fixed it. I put in two paypal disputes and won both, thankfully.
Reports of possible injury and allergic reactions due ti use of potentially adulterated GS products.
I'm pretty sad with what has happened to Glittersniffer Cosmetics. I found them over a year ago, as I'd been looking for highly pigmented eyeshadow for my costuming. My first couple of orders went very well. I had no problems with her switching out colors, I got my orders in a timely manner. However, I did notice the colors weren't always what they were supposed to look like. Then orders came later and later. Colors were completely off, or just plain not blended right and chunky. Communications with Lela were slowed, and she would snap at me and come off as rude when all I wanted to know is what the hold up was, or why my colors were so different from everyone elses. I had gotten a few styes, and stopped using the pigments. I was also fed up with the post office "losing" my order; aka the non-updating tracking number fiascos of 2010. I'd asked her for some custom colors for a few photoshoots, and got blown off while she was sending free packages to her favorites and making custom collections for them. What kind of a business blows off a paying customer so that they can make stuff for a non-paying friend?
- Yeah, my daughter had a reaction to lower east side & an unnamed pink...
- I received corneal abrasions in both eyes from the charity eyes haven't been the same since.
- My blood boils when I open my eyes and I CANT SEE because my vision is permanently cloudy. I am IRATE over the fact that I suffered from a 3 month long stye in my eyeball that caused me a great deal of pain.
- I am pretty new to the GS stuff, in fact I never purchased anything. But I did receive samples and used the Zombie Girl and Fight Club... I only used them a couple of times because they made my eyes itch, I got a rash on both eye lids and had trouble seeing for a few days. After I discontinued use it cleared up within a week or so...
I want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences, I will be adding them all to my complaint when I call the FDA back today.
- .. after I got my Black Friday order (a special of $60 worth of the 80's collection, true blood, pressure sensitive, xl chrome serum, elizabeth d's collection - two colors from this collection gave me pink eye, matte collection - in which the dark pink from this collection gave me pinkeye, I actually threw it out, and some other collections I can't recall right now off the top of my head.) I had pinkeye for one week that left me off work; no compensation and then a re-occurrence when I used another collection in a separate week. All of GSC's products right now I have stored in a plastic makeup container; scared to use *any* of the pigments or products.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I received a request to remove a photo from Facebook today that contained personally identifying information. I removed it as quickly as I could, and reviewed other photos to ensure that no information was posted.
In total I had to remove 2 photos, which in turn deleted all the comments on the photos. These were not removed to discourage any discussion, and aside from one "test" banning of someone to see how a ban works, nothing else has been deleted from the page.
Both the blog and the FB page will continue to be an open forum for anything you wish to discuss, save for inflammatory, defamatory, threatening, or personally identifying information released without consent type posts.
I am very aware that I toe a very thin line with both the blog and the FB page. As the sole writer of the blog it is much easier to ensure that everything posted is privacy controlled. Not so with the FB page, as anyone who "likes" it may post as they please. Going forward, if you wish to post a screenshot, please ensure that all personally identifying information has been removed. If you are having issues with removing PII but want to share, feel free to email them to me and I will take care of the heavy lifting. Please understand that I am asking this simply because I wish to continue with both the blog and the FB page, and I don't want anything to endanger that. I appreciate your understanding.
I sincerely regret the error. I have always been a champion of privacy, and while I am sure that the post was not meant in any way to harm anyone (as a matter of fact the screenshot has been saved and will be reposted later with PII removed), I still feel the need to publicly acknowledge the issue, address it going forward, and apologize wholeheartedly. Although I am not the only one posting to the FB page, as the admin, I take full and complete responsibility.
On a side note I would like to state that the email I received asking for removal was very polite. This could have gone a much differently, and more public, way and I am pleased that it did not. I'd like to thank that person publicly for the way the issue was addressed. Just because we disagree with each other regarding GS does not mean that we cannot communicate in a productive way, and this persons' actions proved that. So, thank you, anonymous emailer. You represent everything that is good about the fans of GS, and you are most appreciated.
In total I had to remove 2 photos, which in turn deleted all the comments on the photos. These were not removed to discourage any discussion, and aside from one "test" banning of someone to see how a ban works, nothing else has been deleted from the page.
Both the blog and the FB page will continue to be an open forum for anything you wish to discuss, save for inflammatory, defamatory, threatening, or personally identifying information released without consent type posts.
I am very aware that I toe a very thin line with both the blog and the FB page. As the sole writer of the blog it is much easier to ensure that everything posted is privacy controlled. Not so with the FB page, as anyone who "likes" it may post as they please. Going forward, if you wish to post a screenshot, please ensure that all personally identifying information has been removed. If you are having issues with removing PII but want to share, feel free to email them to me and I will take care of the heavy lifting. Please understand that I am asking this simply because I wish to continue with both the blog and the FB page, and I don't want anything to endanger that. I appreciate your understanding.
I sincerely regret the error. I have always been a champion of privacy, and while I am sure that the post was not meant in any way to harm anyone (as a matter of fact the screenshot has been saved and will be reposted later with PII removed), I still feel the need to publicly acknowledge the issue, address it going forward, and apologize wholeheartedly. Although I am not the only one posting to the FB page, as the admin, I take full and complete responsibility.
On a side note I would like to state that the email I received asking for removal was very polite. This could have gone a much differently, and more public, way and I am pleased that it did not. I'd like to thank that person publicly for the way the issue was addressed. Just because we disagree with each other regarding GS does not mean that we cannot communicate in a productive way, and this persons' actions proved that. So, thank you, anonymous emailer. You represent everything that is good about the fans of GS, and you are most appreciated.
New Product
GlitterSniffer Cosmetics is continuing to formulate and is preparing to sell, sometime within the next 2 weeks, new shadows. Here is a picture:
These products, at this point, carry no discernible labels.
And the fan reaction (edited to remove identifying information):
Whoever left that last comment either rethought it and deleted it, left the page, or was escorted out.
And, yes, those are UNICORNS. Seems a bit...familiar.
Thanks, Vanessa!
These products, at this point, carry no discernible labels.
And the fan reaction (edited to remove identifying information):
Whoever left that last comment either rethought it and deleted it, left the page, or was escorted out.
And, yes, those are UNICORNS. Seems a bit...familiar.
Thanks, Vanessa!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Others Experiences
I received an email regarding some communication with GlitterSniffer from a first time buyer. The buyer contacted GS with some concerns regarding ingredients in an order she had placed. I present it here, unedited, except to remove personally identifying information. The buyer wishes to remain anonymous.
Here is TKB's ingredient list for Grape Pop! Comparing it to Sammy Jo, not only are the ingredients identical, but they are even in the same format.
Here is TKB's ingredient list for Taurus Orion. Comparing it to Radiation, not only are the ingredients identical, but they are even in the same format.
Here is TKB's ingredient list for Capricorn Sea. Comparing it to Marva, not only are the ingredients identical, but they are even in the same format.
Lela also states that she does not use carmine, which we know from her statement is not true.
I am also curious about "Fight Club". It's a pink, so it's included in the recall automatically, but in the recall list there is a pigment listed as "Flight Club" which is being recalled as being unapproved for eye use. If this is a typo in the recall list or the email, and Fight/Flight Club is indeed unapproved for eye use, then the ingredients given to the buyer are way off. Of course, there could have been two pigments that were similarly named as well, but Google turned up no results for Fight Club. Additionally, Lela lists the pigment variously as Fight Club and Flight Club, so infer from that what you will.
Thanks to the anonymous buyer!
1/7/10 ETA: I received a followup from the submitter, and the pigment in questions is indeed Flight Club. That means that the ingredients list provided was incorrect. Flight Club is on the recall list.
And here is a screenshot of the way the ingredients appeared in the original email:from redacteddate redactedsubject buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by redacted
Hi! I just saw you on my friend redacted's blog, redacted. I wanted to place an order and I saw that you have this special:"Buy any 3 eyeshadows, get 3 ABSOLUTELY FREE! There is a special listing for this offer, it can also be found in the "collections" section! Have fun!"
but I couldn't find the special listing for it.
Do I just buy three and list the 3 in the comments that I want?
I'm looking forward to trying you and reviewing you in my blog :)
--reply-to glittersniffer12186@yahoo.comto redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by yahoo.comsigned-by
Hey there, it should be the first listing in the shop! I'm not at a PC right now or I would send you a direct link :)
from redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by redacted
Hi Lela,
I just had a quick question for you.
What are your ingredients for your eye shadow?I couldn't find an ingredients list and it worried me a bit.
reply-to glittersniffer12186@yahoo.comto redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by yahoo.comsigned-by
Hi redacted , no worries :) I am not at a PC right now but all my eyeshadows are made with pigments, titanium dioxide, and oxides. I use no fillers whatsoever. Some shadows are enhanced with kaolin clay for a better slip. Other than that, it is all pure cosmetic grade mica :) Hope that helps
--from redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?
Hi Lela,
I'm more used to seeing an ingredient list like :
Mica, Titanium Dioxide. May contain Tin Oxide, Silica, UltraMarine Blue, Hydrated Chromium Oxide Green, Iron Oxides, Chromium Green Oxide, ferric ferrocyanide, Ultramarines, Calcium Aluminum Borosilicate, Boron Nitride, Bronze Powder, Copper Powder, Zinc Oxide
orMica (CI 77019), titanium dioxide (CI 77891), May contain: iron oxides (CI 77499, CI 77491, CI 77492), Ferric ferrocyanide (CI 77510), Ferric oxide (CI 77491), Tin Oxide (CI 77861), Carmine (CI 175470)
It actually makes me nervous to use a product without a bit more of an ingredient list.
I know that Kaolin can be really good in minerals, depending on the product.
Would it be possible for you to let me know the ingredients for the colors I ordered?I bought Radiation, Marva, Blow, Sammy Jo, Lace and Fight Club.
reply-to glittersniffer12186@yahoo.comto redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by yahoo.comsigned-by
Hi again, as soon as I get home I will put a more detailed list together for you. I don't keep a list out in public because I have been "copied" on several ocassions.
-LelaSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
--from redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?
Thank you.Please be assured, I am not trying to copy.I do not make mineral makeup, nor do I want to ;PI just love wearing it.
If you visit my blog, you can see that I really do buy from a lot of companies and I love makeup.
I just want to make sure that I feel comfortable with the ingredients used.I've had some bad experiences :(
--from redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by redacted
Hi Lela,
Were you able to get the list of ingredients?
If not, I need to cancel my order.I'm just too uncomfortable at not having an ingredients list.
--to redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by yahoo.comsigned-by
Hi there, I'm sorry- I had thought I had emailed you back to tell you I would get this done for you. Here are you are lovely:
Radiation-Mica 77019 12001-26-2Titanium Dioxide 77891 13463-67-7Chromium Oxide Green77288 1308-38-9
Marva-Mica 77019 12001-26-2Titanium Dioxide 77891 13463-67-7ferrocyanide77510 14038-43-8
Mica 77019 12001-26-2Titanium Dioxide 77891 13463-67-7
Sammy Jo-Mica 77019 12001-26-2Titanium Dioxide 77891 13463-67-7Tin Oxide 778161 18282-10-5Iron Oxide 77499 1309-38-2
Lace-Mica 77019 12001-26-2Titanium Dioxide 77891 13463-67-7Iron Oxide 77491 1309-37-1Fight Club-Mica 77019 12001-26-2Titanium Dioxide 77891 13463-67-7
Flight Club also contains:Mica
77019 12001-26-2
Hope that helps :)
from redactedbcc redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by redacted
Hi Lela,
From looking at your ingredients, they look nearly identical to TKB ingredients. I have several TKB shades, and these look like their ingredients list.
Shouldn't Fight Club have a carmine to make it that bright pink?
--reply-to glittersniffer12186@yahoo.comto redacteddate redactedsubject Re: buy 3 get 3 free?mailed-by yahoo.comsigned-by
I use bases from several suppliers, I do not use carmine. Carmine is not a vegan ingredient and all eye pigments is the shop are vegan.
Here is TKB's ingredient list for Grape Pop! Comparing it to Sammy Jo, not only are the ingredients identical, but they are even in the same format.
Here is TKB's ingredient list for Taurus Orion. Comparing it to Radiation, not only are the ingredients identical, but they are even in the same format.
Here is TKB's ingredient list for Capricorn Sea. Comparing it to Marva, not only are the ingredients identical, but they are even in the same format.
Lela also states that she does not use carmine, which we know from her statement is not true.
I am also curious about "Fight Club". It's a pink, so it's included in the recall automatically, but in the recall list there is a pigment listed as "Flight Club" which is being recalled as being unapproved for eye use. If this is a typo in the recall list or the email, and Fight/Flight Club is indeed unapproved for eye use, then the ingredients given to the buyer are way off. Of course, there could have been two pigments that were similarly named as well, but Google turned up no results for Fight Club. Additionally, Lela lists the pigment variously as Fight Club and Flight Club, so infer from that what you will.
Thanks to the anonymous buyer!
1/7/10 ETA: I received a followup from the submitter, and the pigment in questions is indeed Flight Club. That means that the ingredients list provided was incorrect. Flight Club is on the recall list.
I received an email today from Sarah. She had bought a charity collection for TWLOHA from GlitterSniffer and emailed them about her concerns regarding that donation. TWLOHA responded today:
While I am delighted to hear that TWLOHA has had contact with GS, as it shows that they are making an effort, I will be following up to ensure that donation was made in the time frame promised.
Thank you Sarah for the information!
Thank you for your email. We appreciate your concern. We have been in contact with Glittersniffer Cosmetics about their benefit. Their collection was supposed to run through December 24th, so we would not have received a donation yet. It should arrive in the mail sometime this month. You are welcome to email us again in a month to see if it actually did come in. We apologize for any confusion regarding your purchase. Thanks for your support.
With Hope,
Team TWLOHAThis is an interesting response from TWLOHA as GS specifically stated that it would take much longer to make the donation, due to using the funds for refunds, as you can see here:
While I am delighted to hear that TWLOHA has had contact with GS, as it shows that they are making an effort, I will be following up to ensure that donation was made in the time frame promised.
Thank you Sarah for the information!
Monday, January 3, 2011
I'm still here, I promise.
Posting will be light for the next few days. I have a new project at work that has changed my schedule and I have to flip my sleep schedule, so that should be fun. I begin a 4 day weekend on Thursday, so look for things to pick up then.
I will still be reading all comments and replying to emails as time permits. If I don't get to you immediately, please know I will respond soon. There are no "lost emails" or "email issues" at GlitterSnifferComplaints. ;-)
My plan is to spend the majority of Thursday culling through all the information you've sent and posting as needed. I will of course post immediately should I receive a response to any of my complaints.
I'll be checking the Facebook page periodically as well, but it will be very limited.
I appreciate your understanding, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your assistance.
Posting will be light for the next few days. I have a new project at work that has changed my schedule and I have to flip my sleep schedule, so that should be fun. I begin a 4 day weekend on Thursday, so look for things to pick up then.
I will still be reading all comments and replying to emails as time permits. If I don't get to you immediately, please know I will respond soon. There are no "lost emails" or "email issues" at GlitterSnifferComplaints. ;-)
My plan is to spend the majority of Thursday culling through all the information you've sent and posting as needed. I will of course post immediately should I receive a response to any of my complaints.
I'll be checking the Facebook page periodically as well, but it will be very limited.
I appreciate your understanding, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your assistance.
The 80's collection, made using non FDA approved soap dyes. GlitterSniffer has claimed that all of these were listed with the disclaimer that they were not approved for eye use. This screenshot tells a different story. You can read a full account of the situation here.
I do not, at this time, have information regarding the labeling of the individual products, and I will not speculate as this screenshot does not include an unobstructed view of the product. I have asked for followup information, or should anyone have pictures of their products containing soap dye and their labels and wish to share you can feel free to contact me.
I am not disclosing whose screenshot this is as I am waiting for permission to release that information, but I was already given permission to publish.
1/3/11 ETA: Edited to change the name of the collection. It was the 80's collection, not the neon collection.
I do not, at this time, have information regarding the labeling of the individual products, and I will not speculate as this screenshot does not include an unobstructed view of the product. I have asked for followup information, or should anyone have pictures of their products containing soap dye and their labels and wish to share you can feel free to contact me.
I am not disclosing whose screenshot this is as I am waiting for permission to release that information, but I was already given permission to publish.
1/3/11 ETA: Edited to change the name of the collection. It was the 80's collection, not the neon collection.
Your Story
Sharing is Caring
Just an FYI, I welcome all who wish to contact me. Contacting me does not immediately mean that I will publish any information you disclose. That being said I'd like to request a few things be included in any email to me that you want to submit for publication. If you just want to commiserate you do not need to include this information.
-A brief, factual account of the situation and any supporting documentation you may have. This should be devoid of any suppositions, speculations, and emotional reactions. You may include any of that information in a separate portion of the email, but unsupported accusations will not be published.
-Your permission to publish.
-Your permission to edit any identifying information of others that are not yourself or GlitterSniffer Cosmetics from screenshots.
-Whether or not you wish to remain anonymous. Even if you choose to disclose your name I will not publish your full name, nor your email address.
Including all this information will assist me in getting the information out there as quickly as possible, and will also ensure that I am respecting your privacy, and the privacy of others.
Please send all communication to
-A brief, factual account of the situation and any supporting documentation you may have. This should be devoid of any suppositions, speculations, and emotional reactions. You may include any of that information in a separate portion of the email, but unsupported accusations will not be published.
-Your permission to publish.
-Your permission to edit any identifying information of others that are not yourself or GlitterSniffer Cosmetics from screenshots.
-Whether or not you wish to remain anonymous. Even if you choose to disclose your name I will not publish your full name, nor your email address.
Including all this information will assist me in getting the information out there as quickly as possible, and will also ensure that I am respecting your privacy, and the privacy of others.
Please send all communication to
Here are pictures I have so far detailing the labeling of GlitterSniffer Cosmetics. According to the FDA here are the labeling requirements for full sized cosmetics:
Here are products received by others. Some do not contain ingredient lists, while others do not include the name or place of manufacturer/distributor statements:
Thank you to everyone who took the time to send me photos of their possibly misbranded products.
1/3/11 ETA: It should also be noted here that it was GS practice to sell unlabeled, full size "Randoms" to customers via their Facebook page. It is my understanding that these were either one off colors or colors that were left over from collections. I have no photos of these, but have been made aware of their existence.
The following information must appear on the principal display panel:Here are the full sized, unlabeled products I received:
The following information must appear on an information panel:
- An identity statement, indicating the nature and use of the product, by means of either the common or usual name, a descriptive name, a fanciful name understood by the public, or an illustration [21 CFR 701.11].
- An accurate statement of the net quantity of contents, in terms of weight, measure, numerical count or a combination of numerical count and weight or measure [21 CFR 701.13].
- Name and place of business. This may be the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. [21 CFR 701.12].
- Distributor statement. If the name and address are not those of the manufacturer, the label must say "Manufactured for..." or "Distributed by..." [21 CFR 701.12].
- Material facts. Failure to reveal material facts is one form of misleading labeling and therefore makes a product misbranded [21 CFR 1.21]. An example is directions for safe use, if a product could be unsafe if used incorrectly.
- Warning and caution statements. These must be prominent and conspicuous. The FD&C Act and related regulations specify warning and caution statements related to specific products [21 CFR part 700]. In addition, cosmetics that may be hazardous to consumers must bear appropriate label warnings [21 CFR 740.1]. An example of such hazardous products is flammable cosmetics.
- Ingredients. If the product is sold on a retail basis to consumers, even it it is labeled "For professional use only" or words to that effect, the ingredients must appear on an information panel, in descending order of predominance. [21 CFR 701.3]. Remember, if the product is also a drug, its labeling must comply with the regulations for both OTC drug and cosmetic ingredient labeling, as stated above.
Here are products received by others. Some do not contain ingredient lists, while others do not include the name or place of manufacturer/distributor statements:
Thank you to everyone who took the time to send me photos of their possibly misbranded products.
1/3/11 ETA: It should also be noted here that it was GS practice to sell unlabeled, full size "Randoms" to customers via their Facebook page. It is my understanding that these were either one off colors or colors that were left over from collections. I have no photos of these, but have been made aware of their existence.
Others Experiences
I received an email today regarding one persons experience in attempting to obtain a refund. I have permission to publish, but have not yet heard back on the issue of privacy, so I am posting it anonymously for now. Should the submitter decide that I can publish their name I will edit this post.
I cannot pursue this avenue of recovery as I have switched banks since the purchase, and it is presented here for informational purposes only.
Thank you, anonymous!
It was a few days after Christmas, when I realized my trying to get a refund via GS would be fruitless. Lela didn't seem to think it was important to address me (as well as others of course) so I decided to take it up with my bank. I called the number on the back of debit card and got in touch with the claims department. The women I talked to was very accommodating, she asked me the date of the claim, the amount and what I actually purchased from the company. I explained it to her, as well as telling her that on the fan page she had told everyone to file for a refund because she wasn't sending out any more packages. (Before the whole only certain pinks or reds, and neons thing) The asked for a link to the facebook page and if the post was still up. (Of course it wasn't.) But they made a note about it and told me if I had any more info about the claim to call back. So this morning I call back and fax them the screen shot of her asking for a refund. They tell me that they are going to add this to the system as well and then they will get back to me about a refund in the next 30 days.The screenshot mentioned in the email is located on this blogs Facebook page and it details GS request that disputes be filed to obtain a refund.
I cannot pursue this avenue of recovery as I have switched banks since the purchase, and it is presented here for informational purposes only.
Thank you, anonymous!
I Answer Your Questions,
FDA Followup
I received a phone call back from an agent with my regional office of the FDA.
I outlined the issue, provided web information for the recall list, advised of the labeling issue, and provided my personally identifying information to file a complaint. I also emailed a link to this blog so the FDA could have a clear overview of the entire situation.
I was told that my regional office would contact the Detroit office, and the complaint would be reviewed.
My regional FDA office was very responsive, and the entire process took less than 10 minutes.
1/3/11 ETA: I received an email asking for the address for GS. I provided the information, and requested a complaint number or contact with any updates they could provide.
I outlined the issue, provided web information for the recall list, advised of the labeling issue, and provided my personally identifying information to file a complaint. I also emailed a link to this blog so the FDA could have a clear overview of the entire situation.
I was told that my regional office would contact the Detroit office, and the complaint would be reviewed.
My regional FDA office was very responsive, and the entire process took less than 10 minutes.
1/3/11 ETA: I received an email asking for the address for GS. I provided the information, and requested a complaint number or contact with any updates they could provide.
Complaints I Filed,
Web for
I followed up on the information provided to me by the offices of FastWeb, the hosts for I called the OFT. Unfortunately, they are closed for holiday today.
I was directed to their website, where I was able to file a compliant.
I had to provide GS information, my information, and a summary of the issue.
I received no confirmation email.
I was directed to their website, where I was able to file a compliant.
I had to provide GS information, my information, and a summary of the issue.
I received no confirmation email.
Complaints I Filed,
I called the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinators office for Michigan at (313) 393-8189.
I was directed to leave a message with my name, contact information, and a brief summary of the issue.
I also called the District Office for my local region. I found that information here.
I was again directed to leave a message.
In leaving my messages I outlined the recall, the use of unsafe ingredients, the possible misbranding of the product, and specifically mentioned the "Little Girl" Collection.
I will post a followup should I hear back.
I was directed to leave a message with my name, contact information, and a brief summary of the issue.
I also called the District Office for my local region. I found that information here.
I was again directed to leave a message.
In leaving my messages I outlined the recall, the use of unsafe ingredients, the possible misbranding of the product, and specifically mentioned the "Little Girl" Collection.
I will post a followup should I hear back.
Complaints I Filed,
I want to start this post by stating that I categorically stand behind my original statement that I am not choosing to pursue any legal recourse at this time besides filing complaints with the appropriate agencies. I have, however, been exploring my options. Better safe than sorry.
So, apparently, have you. I've received many questions today asking about what legal action can be taken to recover a refund. I am not an attorney, and this by no means should be constituted as legal advice, but I have decided to publish what I've found so far.
Small Claims: This information is specific to my state of residence. The upshot is that filing in small claims court unless you are actually in Detroit is kind of a nonstarter. In my state, suit has to be filed within the defendants home state, and I would be required to travel there for all court dates, or hire a representative to attend for me. This is very cost prohibitive, especially for the sum of $21.50.
Class Action: In terms of a class action, that's up in the air. My understanding of the situation is that if the FDA requests a recall I'll have more recourse. But, even then, any amount awarded would only be recovered if GS had the money.
I'm no lawyer, so my interpretation of this is by no means the be all-end all. Your individual state might have other provisions protecting consumers from faulty product, or may allow you to file in your state of residence instead. I cannot speak to that.
I will say that getting the FDA alerted to any issues is paramount, and although I cannot and am not legally advising you to file a complaint with them you can always read about my experience filling out the form here.
While I have been advised by several of the agencies/companies that I have contacted that legal action may be my best recourse I am holding off in hopes that GS will make things right by issuing my refund and accepting returns and ensuring the safe disposal of all my potentially adulterated product, as per FDA recall guidelines.
Should this change in the future I will, of course, update.
So, apparently, have you. I've received many questions today asking about what legal action can be taken to recover a refund. I am not an attorney, and this by no means should be constituted as legal advice, but I have decided to publish what I've found so far.
Small Claims: This information is specific to my state of residence. The upshot is that filing in small claims court unless you are actually in Detroit is kind of a nonstarter. In my state, suit has to be filed within the defendants home state, and I would be required to travel there for all court dates, or hire a representative to attend for me. This is very cost prohibitive, especially for the sum of $21.50.
Class Action: In terms of a class action, that's up in the air. My understanding of the situation is that if the FDA requests a recall I'll have more recourse. But, even then, any amount awarded would only be recovered if GS had the money.
I'm no lawyer, so my interpretation of this is by no means the be all-end all. Your individual state might have other provisions protecting consumers from faulty product, or may allow you to file in your state of residence instead. I cannot speak to that.
I will say that getting the FDA alerted to any issues is paramount, and although I cannot and am not legally advising you to file a complaint with them you can always read about my experience filling out the form here.
While I have been advised by several of the agencies/companies that I have contacted that legal action may be my best recourse I am holding off in hopes that GS will make things right by issuing my refund and accepting returns and ensuring the safe disposal of all my potentially adulterated product, as per FDA recall guidelines.
Should this change in the future I will, of course, update.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Others Experiences
I received a forwarded email exchange today between an anonymous submitter and redacted (please see edit below), who is in charge of marketing for GlitterSniffer. It is edited only to remove identifying personal information, including redacted's phone number (though she does give consent for its dissemination) and company logos. I am removing redacted's last name as well, but leaving her first name, as this information is readily available on the GS Facebook page, along with her picture. I am doing this of my own free will, as redacted legally has no expectation of privacy as it relates to this email.
I present this email in full here as it contained no confidentiality disclaimer, I still stand by my original promise not to publish any full email communications between GS and myself, should there be any in the future.
A few thoughts on this as it is related to the FDA. It is my understanding that all of GS pigments were sent without ingredient listings, and that the majority of the "randoms" contained no labeling at all. Per the FDA (and as I've posted previously, emphasis mine):
If true, this is good news for me, since my full size pigments had no labels on them whatsoever.
It should also be noted that in a recall situation it is expected that the company will physically receive the product, returned at it's own expense, in order to issue a refund. Photographic proof is not enough, as the company has an obligation to ensure that all adulterated product is disposed of safely. I covered the recall expectations here, very few of which GS has apparently met.
A big thank you to to the anonymous submitter. Should anyone want to follow up with redacted I would be happy to provide her phone number. Simply email me here:
1/14/11 ETA: All personally identifying information was removed from this post at the request of the individual who was answering the email for GlitterSniffer. I am doing this of my own free will, as the person in question sent the email with no disclaimer, and, as such, has no expectation of privacy. I would like to state that this person does not identify themselves as being employed by GS. I am not going to dispute this, but I will say that the person refers to GS as "our company" in these emails.
To: redacted
Hello redacted,
Lela Warren ( canceled the following money request:
Money request details
Amount: $191.50 USD
Date: Dec 20, 2010
Subject: PayPal money request from redacted
Note: I would like a refund for buying potentially UNSAFE eye pigments that you claimed were safe (Products I used on my CHILD) -- Would also like a refund because I was under the impression that you were, indeed, selling 'vegan friendly products', as you advertised, but in fact you were not.
------------------------------------------------------------ ----
NEVER give your password to anyone, including PayPal employees. Protect yourself against fraudulent websites by opening a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox) and typing in the PayPal URL every time you log in to your account.
------------------------------------------------------------ ----
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 9:59 AM
Why did you cancel my request for a refund? I have screenshots of you
promising to refund anyone who was unsatisfied with buying your
product because of your dishonesty (I also have screenshots of you
first stating that your pigments were safe and then changing your
answer to, essentially, 'SOME are safe'.
I can assume you have heard by now that many of your ex-customers are
strongly considering filing a class action lawsuit against you.
Needless to say, I will be participating in that. I might not get all
of my money back, in that case, but at least I would get some back.
You can block me from your FB page and ignore my emails but I have no
intention of letting this slide.
"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the
sight." ~Albert Schweitzer
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:10 AM
To: redacted
This is redacted. I am taking over all of the e-mails related to lawsuits, refund of money related to unsafe ingredients, and PayPal disputes. Please do believe me when I say that my only goal here is to come to a resolution that can be agreed on between both you and GS Cosmetics. If you would call me, we can discuss our options and what we can do to rectify this situation for you. Please pass this on to any of your colleagues who are concerned for their health or safety related to our products. My number is redactedThanks,redacted--
XO- Lela <3President of Glittersniffer Cosmetics
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:20 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
I appreciate the reply but I know well enough that we should keep our
correspondences in writing.
Lela told me I could get a refund so I asked for one. Then she denied
my request. How exactly is that, 'working out a solution'?
Plain and simple, I don't want any cosmetics that are potentially
unsafe. I never would have bought these products had I not been lied
to. I want my money back. What other 'solution' is there?
On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Lela Warren----------
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Lela Warren
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:26 AM
To: redacted
I have no intention of discussing things with you on the phone to deter you from being able to file a class action lawsuit. Under oath, I would be required to tell the truth, anyway. This is an extremely emotional situation for Lela, that is the only reason I am taking over these conversations. I can better detach myself to help you reach a resolution that will work for you. I completely understand wanting your money back, and I would be happy to discuss that with you. Not all of the pigments that you have are unsafe for cosmetic use, therefore I would like to talk to you on the phone to go over what pigments you have and what and why we are going to refund you for those.XOXO--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:37 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
I have no intention of speaking to you on the phone. Again, I prefer to keep our conversation here, in writing.
While I am sure there is a chance that SOME of the pigments I own are, indeed, safe, I'm sure you can realize that I am not comfortable with taking ANY chances. Lela assured EVERYONE that her products were '100% safe and cruelty-free' when, in fact, they were not. I do not even WANT to take the time to discuss this issue anymore. I bought a faulty product. I was lied to. Essentially, I can no longer believe anything Lela, or what anyone else who works for Glittersniffer at this time, says.
I am the consumer here. The consumer who was lied to. I owe Lela NOTHING. She was lucky to get a few hundred out of me in the first place. Had she not been so deceitful and mean to her paying customers, she would have gotten far more out of me, too.
And I care nothing about Lela's feelings at this point. Lying and scamming will catch up with a person...
So, to save us both time, just tell me right here and now if I am going to get a full refund. I figured I would contact you first before filing a dispute with PayPal. If you have no intention of refunding me, then just let me know and I'll go another route.
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:43 AM
To: redacted
Unfortunately you will not get a refund for all of the products you purchased from GS. We can and are willing to refund you for any colors that are not eye approved, cosmetically approved, or FDA approved, however we cannot refund you for the ones which are safe. While we understand your dissatisfaction and your unwillingness to trust in the company, we stand behind our products that we know to be safe. You can have our products tested should you choose, however you will find that the products we are not refunding you for are indeed safe. If you would like a refund for the products in which the safety is questioned, please let me know.redacted--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:47 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
Can you send me a list here, in writing, of the items that are (as of now) DEFINITELY considered to be unsafe? I'd like to have that on hand. Thanks.
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:49 AM
To: redacted
If you could provide me with a list of what pigments you own, I would be happy to tell you which ones are not eye approved.Thanks--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:52 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
Well her lies another problem -- Most of my items are unlabeled randoms so I have NO idea.
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:57 AM
To: redacted
If you could please let me know how many pigments of each color genre you have, we can refund you for the ones that fall into, or close to, the unsafe category.--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:58 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
As I asked a few messages ago, what exactly DOES fall under the 'unsafe genre category'?
Again, I have about 60 pigments (perhaps more) and almost all of them are unlabeled.--
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:01 AM
To: redacted
Certain color genre's fall into that category. Please let me know how many pigments you have from each category and we will gladly issue a refund for the amount in questionThanks--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:02 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
I am asking you what colors fall under the 'unsafe category' -- I can't let you know how many I have of what without knowing this information...
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:04 AM
To: redacted
I can only give you that information if you are expressly agreeing to provide photographic proof that you contain the amount of colors in question that you claim you do, once we have received photo documentation of that, we can issue the refund. Do we agree?
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:08 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
I have no problem with taking photos of the pigments I own -- However, I DO think it's pretty, uh shady, that you're only telling people which pigments are unsafe if they abide by some strange request of yours. I mean, that doesn't exactly say, "Oh, we're trying to make this right; we have nothing to hide..."
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:14 AM
To: redacted
I'm sorry that you feel it is "shady", unfortunately as a company we are going to need photo documentation, as someone could say they have 100 of the unsafe color genre's and really only have 2. It is not to lie, cheat, or steal from anyone, it is simply to make sure that our company is only refunding what we feel we are responsible for refunding.
The colors which could possibly fall into the unsafe category are pinks. While not all of them do fall into this category, we are willing to refund the money for all of them given photo documentation. This includes all Pinks ever sold by our company both individually and in collections. Neons and the pigment named House of Horrors are also not eye approved.
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:17 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
I understand that you would need documentation of some sort proving how many pigments I own -- But the fact that I needed to 'agree' to anything just so you could give me that information is baffling.
I do know that I have House of Horrors (I bought that one when it was on some sort of special), along with a few random neon colors and some pinks.
Are blues safe to use on the eyes (I have heard otherwise, this is why I ask)? Can I be assured that potentially unsafe pigments were not mixed in with other colors to make new pigments?
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:20 AM
To: redacted
I will need to check with Lela on the blues and the mixing of pigments.--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
Thanks, please do so ASAP. To be clear, I want to know with 100% certainty that the pigments I bought are indeed safe to use (as Lela claimed they were). So if she is at all even 'iffy' about any particular color, or 'color genre', now would be the time to let me know.
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:25 AM
To: redacted
I understand what you are asking. I have to speak with Lela before I can give you a definitive answer. I assume you would rather me take the time to find out for certain a complete list, than to be unsure of what ones are and are not safe. I will get back to you as soon as I have compiled a list.--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:29 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
Yes, I would like you to be certain before giving me this information. I am, however, shocked that you don't have this information at your fingertips considering everything that has been going on lately. I would have assumed that this would have been the FIRST thing Lela tried to figure out -- What pigments are safe; what pigments are not. I also would have assumed that this information would be readily accessible to any current and past customers, though, so perhaps I would just do things differently as a business owner in general.
I will look forward to your response. Thank you.--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:38 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
Okay, here are the questions I would like Lela to answer:
* Are ALL pigments that contain glitter made with COSMETIC grade glitter?
* Were any of the pigments MIXED with neon colors? I know that the neon colors by themselves are not eye-approved (so I purposely never ordered any) but I want to know if any of pigments can possibly contain any bits of neon pigment, perhaps done while making a new color.
* Which colors, if any, were made with lake dyes?
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:47 AM
To: Lela Warren <>
Sorry, just remembered one more question (It's really a shame that I feel the need to get this specific, but so be it...).
* I asked which pigments weren't considered to be safe for eye use specifically. Are there any that were not approved for cosmetic use in general?
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM
To: redacted
Jen Nazi
- All pigments with glitter have been made with cosmetic grade glitter
- The following colors are FDA Approved and Cosmetically approved, but not eye approved:
ADDBrendaJennCupcakeBrenda's LemonadeSarahMichigan AvenueKiss ThisPink PistolFinger Food (Because it is pressure sensitive)House of Horrors (Because it has a pink in it)All other pinks, old, new, and collection colors (While some of the pinks were made with eye approved pigments, we are going torefund those who are concerned for all of their pinks)
- The following pigments are not FDA Approved for use around the eyes. Please note that while they are not FDA approved, it is not related to proven lack of safety, but related to lack of adequate testing on the ingredient. The safety of neons is unknown.
Flight ClubOompa Loompa80's CollectionGlow in the Dark CollectionMo Love
- All other colors are safe and FDA approved for eye use.
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 12:53 PM
To: Lela Warren <>
Ok, so this means blues/purples are safe? Again, almost all of my
colors are unlabeled which means I might have some of the colors you
listed without knowing it (in addition to the pinks and neon I have).
I am still hoping for a direct answer re: the possibility of any neon
or other potentially unsafe colors, being mixed into other pigments.
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:28 PM
To: redacted
Generally, blues and purples are safe. House of Horrors is a purple, Mo Love is a blue, Finger Food is a pressure sensitive orange and Oompa Loompa is a green. The other girls would be able to identify those for you.
To answer your other question, I'm sorry - I didn't intentionally skip it, No - unless it is one of the listed colors, there would be no chance of a neon being mixed in with another colorThanks--
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:43 PM
To: Lela Warren <>
Okay, so I have a far amount of pinks/reddish colors. I also have a BRIGHT orange that I received as a random, as well as a very bright yellow. It seems the samples I received in the rip off 'grab bags' are also likely 80s samples. So what do I do now?
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:54 PM
To: redacted
If you want me to continue in communication with you I would appreciate it if you would be a little more professional in your correspondence with me. I am doing what I can to help you and I understand that you are upset, however I'm not Lela and I'm not the person to take out your frustration on. What specifically do you mean what do you do?redacted --
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:55 PM
To: Lela Warren <>
I think it's pretty ironic that you are asking ME to be more patient with YOU -- Excuse me, I am the consumer who has been SCREWED here. YOU are the employee who, for about five emails, wouldn't even provide me with the simple answers I wanted.
You're just going to have to deal. Furthermore, I'm sure I'm being far kinder than the attorneys will be.--
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:01 PM
To: redacted
Okay. My number is redacted if you would like to have your attorney call me.
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:03 PM
To: Lela Warren <>
Thanks. In the meantime, you can refund me for the obvious pinks and neons I have.
Do the reddish colors count as 'pinks'?
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:05 PM
To: redacted
If you are contacting your attorney, I will discuss a refund with him or her.
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:06 PM
To: Lela Warren <>
So now you are blatantly going against what you said you would do just messages ago in writing? Wow. Okay. Now I'm even more determined to participate in a class action lawsuit than I was before.
No need to further reply. You're just as much of a liar and game player as Lela is, as is obvious by reading through our messages from today.--
From: Lela Warren <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:11 PM
To: redacted
I simply have been trying to help you and you are being very nasty. I get that you're frustrated, but if you're going to continue to threaten us with a lawsuit then I have no reason to try to accommodate your request. If you would like to speak to me in a professional manner, as I'm not the person who made or sold the makeup, I'm only the person trying to help you, then I will gladly make good on what we discussed. Otherwise, I will look for correspondence from your attorney.
Thanks,redacted --
From: redacted
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:30 PM
To: Lela Warren <>
Feel free to reread our messages -- I wasn't nasty/vulgar by any means. Am I
frustrated for being lied to? Mad that I put potentially harmful
products on my kid's face? Absolutely I am. It's laughable that you
expect to be addressed with anything other than frustration.
I'm not going to beg, plead or even sugarcoat my request for a PARTIAL
refund. If that's what you expect then most definitely, feel free to
keep my money until Lela is contacted by an attorney. I'm aware that,
in the event a class action lawsuit judges in favor of the many
glittersniffer customers who have been scammed and lied to I might
receive less money back but I am prepared to take that loss if the
alternative is kissing your ass in order for me to get back just a
fraction of what I deserve. Thanks but no thanks.
I present this email in full here as it contained no confidentiality disclaimer, I still stand by my original promise not to publish any full email communications between GS and myself, should there be any in the future.
A few thoughts on this as it is related to the FDA. It is my understanding that all of GS pigments were sent without ingredient listings, and that the majority of the "randoms" contained no labeling at all. Per the FDA (and as I've posted previously, emphasis mine):
Failure to comply with any of those regulations could possibly get the products declared misbranded.
What labeling information is required?
The following information must appear on the principal display panel:
The following information must appear on an information panel:
- An identity statement, indicating the nature and use of the product, by means of either the common or usual name, a descriptive name, a fanciful name understood by the public, or an illustration [21 CFR 701.11].
- An accurate statement of the net quantity of contents, in terms of weight, measure, numerical count or a combination of numerical count and weight or measure [21 CFR 701.13].
- Name and place of business. This may be the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. [21 CFR 701.12].
- Distributor statement. If the name and address are not those of the manufacturer, the label must say "Manufactured for..." or "Distributed by..." [21 CFR 701.12].
- Material facts. Failure to reveal material facts is one form of misleading labeling and therefore makes a product misbranded [21 CFR 1.21]. An example is directions for safe use, if a product could be unsafe if used incorrectly.
- Warning and caution statements. These must be prominent and conspicuous. The FD&C Act and related regulations specify warning and caution statements related to specific products [21 CFR part 700]. In addition, cosmetics that may be hazardous to consumers must bear appropriate label warnings [21 CFR 740.1]. An example of such hazardous products is flammable cosmetics.
- Ingredients. If the product is sold on a retail basis to consumers, even it it is labeled "For professional use only" or words to that effect, the ingredients must appear on an information panel, in descending order of predominance. [21 CFR 701.3]. Remember, if the product is also a drug, its labeling must comply with the regulations for both OTC drug and cosmetic ingredient labeling, as stated above.
If true, this is good news for me, since my full size pigments had no labels on them whatsoever.
It should also be noted that in a recall situation it is expected that the company will physically receive the product, returned at it's own expense, in order to issue a refund. Photographic proof is not enough, as the company has an obligation to ensure that all adulterated product is disposed of safely. I covered the recall expectations here, very few of which GS has apparently met.
A big thank you to to the anonymous submitter. Should anyone want to follow up with redacted I would be happy to provide her phone number. Simply email me here:
1/14/11 ETA: All personally identifying information was removed from this post at the request of the individual who was answering the email for GlitterSniffer. I am doing this of my own free will, as the person in question sent the email with no disclaimer, and, as such, has no expectation of privacy. I would like to state that this person does not identify themselves as being employed by GS. I am not going to dispute this, but I will say that the person refers to GS as "our company" in these emails.
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