Saturday, November 12, 2011


Long time, no update. I apologize for the impromptu break. Life, as it does, happened. Though it may seem that Lela Warren's public release of my Personally Identifying Information and threats of further retaliation against me and my living family members had something to do with it I can tell you unequivocally it did not. It was coincidental timing as I was busy with other matters, some pertaining to GS. You can read more about the PII situation over at Lipsticks & Lightsabers. There was also a followup status update where Lela Warren stated she would like to visit family in my home state of Oklahoma, which can be seen below.

Lela demanded this blog and its Facebook page be taken down. That has not happened and will not happen. Even if everyone due a refund receives one it will remain. What Lela fails to see is that the main purpose of the blog and page is to chronicle GlitterSniffer Cosmetics business practices, and as long as GS is in business it is relevant information for consumers to know in order to make an informed decision. One would think a proprietor who had asked for assistance in getting the new refund process out to as many people as possible by way of a post here would understand that the blog goes out of its way to post as much information as possible and that the tenor of the posts rest directly on GS behavior as a company.  There have been other posts relevant to indie cosmetics safety unrelated to GS as well and I believe that it would be a disservice to consumers to take them down as in some cases the information is not available anywhere else. So it will stay, regardless of any threats that may arise.

And what of those threats? Well, I cannot comment on the actions I am taking at this point, except to say that there are things that have been and are being set in motion to ensure mine and my family's well being.

In terms of GS there is the matter of the AG letter that was received by many a couple of months ago.  Expect a post on that shortly, as well as other GS and non GS related posts. I have had the AG post in the works for some time, though it has been slow going as I only had the text and not a scanned copy. In the letter Lela reveals many private family details by way of reasons/excuses for the recall, as has been her custom. I have always been hands off most of the private issues as they had nothing to do with GS business. My stance on that has not changed, however the private family information is being used to explain GS' issues past and present and could be considered relevant. I will be removing PII and a medical diagnosis for Lela's son but otherwise the letter will remain intact. It should be noted I am not altogether comfortable with everything that will be published but in the interests of full disclosure I feel that all aspects should be posted, especially as it serves as Lela's statement about how this all came to be.

I am still awaiting word on the FOIA request I filed for the outcome of FDAs GS investigation. It does appear there were no sanctions, which means GS has been brought into compliance. This is an interesting development, as if GS is to continue in business as they state they intend on doing everything needs to be compliant with all rules and regulations. It should be noted, however, that GS announced they had been FDA approved. FDA does not approve companies, nor finished cosmetics. They approve and regulate ingredients. It's a minor, but important distinction, and one GS should be well aware of as they have been working with FDA for months. Making an FDA approval claim on labeling or in advertisements is considered false and misleading and could result in further FDA notice of GS. As this following statement was made on the GS Facebook Fan page, which is the company's main resource for advertising, it is easy to see how the statement might be construed as an advertisement.

Emphasis mine

Is it permitted to label cosmetics "FDA Approved"?

No. As part of the prohibition against false or misleading information, no cosmetic may be labeled or advertised with statements suggesting that FDA has approved the product. This applies even if the establishment is registered or the product is on file with FDA's Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program6 (VCRP) (see 21 CFR 710.8 and 720.9, which prohibit the use of participation in the VCRP to suggest official approval). False or misleading statements on labeling make a cosmetic misbranded [FD&C Act, sec. 602; 21 U.S.C. 362].

As for me I am now happily ensconced at a new job. The majority of my last few months was taken up in that transition. I was also one of the co founders of The Team Pink Eye Project along with Rebecca Storevik, which I am humbled to report raised $1,459.95 for Susan G Komen Passionately Pink for the Cure for breast cancer awareness. We had some wonderful bloggers and indie shops participate and not only met, but exceeded our goal. It was an absolutely wonderful experience and I am happy to report that 100% of the donations went directly to Komen, an outcome I wish I could post for the other charities I've previously blogged about here. There are still more donations coming in and a possible company match from my new company so if you're of a mind check out the TPE blog. Also, take a few moments monthly to do your self exams please.

Be well.
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