Wednesday, September 7, 2011

GlitterSniffer Cosmetics Exciting New Release!!!

GlitterSniffer Cosmetics President Lela Warren had an exciting new release today. Posted to her personal Facebook page (and quickly deleted) was my name, address, and phone number.

As far as I can determine this all began on August 25, 2011. At that time Lela posted about contacting people to get the "fukkin monkey's (sic)" off her back.

I was contacted a few hours ago and given the following screenshots. The screenshots in their unedited form show my name, address and telephone number, as well as Lela's intention to release where I work and the identities of my living family members. From the screenshots (as near as I can surmise from them as Lela has not bothered to contact me, even to keep me abreast of the refund situation as she promised upon reopening) she would like the blog and page to be taken down or she will continue to release information about me and my family.

This was her status update immediately after deleting the post of my personal information:

I spoke with the Dearborn Heights Police Department regarding the issue and was referred back to my local municipality. Any investigation will need to be started locally and then extended to the DHPD. I have an appointrment with a detective tomorrow to discuss my options.

I have for some time had the services of an attorney as well. Some months ago Lela Warren asked for the names and addresses of myself and the Complaints Admins in order to send Cease and Desist Orders as well as file Defamation Suits. After informing Lela Warren of statutes which cover the blog and the page (as well as her own culpability in the matter for giving me permission to publish in an email from January) I freely offered her my information in order to pursue it. She never responded. I will be contacting my attorney tomorrow to research my civil options.

It should be noted that I asked Lela Warren months ago to comply with my request not to be contacted at any place other than the Complaints email after she used my personally identifying information to email me at my job. After this request was made Lela sent a friend request to my personal Facebook. I had not, up to this point, pursued that issue though I was well within my rights to do so. That is now back on the table, and coupled with this new development, will be pursued as vigorously as possible.

The blog and the page will remain as is. I will continue to publish about GlitterSniffer Cosmetics business practices (as well as those of other companies i.e. The Conservatorie, Coastal Scents, and Pure Luxe) and the now seemingly futile quest for refunds. I apologize, but there will be no posts regarding Lela's bathroom activities unless they directly affect GS as a business.

And make no mistake, this post, while having to do with a personal issue for me, very much pertains to GS as a business entity. Despite the assertion in an email from January that the company is "all for free speech" the company is now actively trying to quash that same freedom they have claimed to support. This blog has always published all aspects of the situation, including the new refund information (published at the request of the company itself). It exists because there is a need for it to exist. Remove the cause, remove the effect. If GS wants the blog and the page to be removed then the proper steps (issuing refunds, paying the charities) need to be taken. That responsibility lies with the company itself, and no amount of personal information or veiled threats will change that.

It is still my fervent hope that one day I can post that all that are due refunds have them, and that the charities have been paid back the thousands of dollars owed them. Until that day I will continue to keep posting about the situation, as well as other matters as they pertain to safety in indie cosmetics, in hopes that it comes to a swift and fair resolution for everyone involved. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Every single one of her customers should look at that and consider that if they ever have a complaint about her product she could be posting their personal information on the internet next.

  3. I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to still order from that woman... Unsafe materials, unsanitary conditions (which I know all about, being a cosmetologist), and horrific business practices? WELL SIGN ME UP. *eyeroll*

  4. Just when you think she can't possible get any more disgusting...

    SO SO SO SO SO glad I chose to order from a different company instead of Glittersniffer when she sold on Etsy.

  5. How could any customer of hers look at this, at her posting personal information of someone, and think it's okay? I don't care WHAT you might have done or posted on this blog, posting personal information on the internet is just not acceptable, ESPECIALLY for a business owner. She should be absolutely ashamed of herself. Of course, I'm sure she isn't, but she should be.

  6. "In common law jurisdictions, slander refers to a malicious, false, [not specific enough to verify] and defamatory spoken statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts, which arises where one person reveals information that is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person. "Unlike [with] libel, truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."

    Notice that that definition requires something to be FALSE to be a part of a defamation suit. That's probably why she didn't pursue it. She realized that she would have to prove your statements on this blog as false. She's being vicious and she's being more criminal in /her/ actions than you are against her.

  7. Wow, how professional from Glitter Sniffer to put your personal information out there. Jeez.

  8. Wow if she can do this to you as blackmail, what if one of her customers get on her bad side?

    I would never ever trust anyone like her even if she claimed to change. She showed her true ugly.

  9. Incase no one has seen yet. If you go to the GS page & look at the comments in her "new products" album Lela is currently asking a customer to sell her private stock of supplies to her. Im sorry but my idea of sanitary is definitely not asking a random customer for her supplies when tjere is no way to know how they were handled & stored.

  10. Good luck, I really, really hope that you can bring this horrible woman to justice.

  11. I am completely horrified by this and am so, so sorry that she has basically reduced the situation to one of blackmailing you. Once again, she is in the wrong and instead of fixing her own illegal an unethical behavior, she compounds it, hoping people will be distracted. Your strength and resolve to see The Glittersniffer Debacle through is commendable (and then some) - I never could have stuck with this for as long as you have without losing my grip. Thank you.

  12. You need to post complaints like this to trusted consumer reporting websites like this.

  13. Is Madd Style Cosmetix the new Glitter Sniffer?

  14. Madd Style is in no way affiliated with glittersniffer.

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